Another great piece from Del, this one's the Forum of Set: a place that the PCs may spend quite a bit of time within.
UN-ICK-A-FIED (plus new Valentine banner)
2 hours ago
Welcome to the Salt Mine, a black ops agency that monitors and manages supernatural activity from its subterranean headquarters in the deep mineral mines of Detroit, Michigan. When magic is real, someone has to keep it in check.
All eyes are on the seas around Cape Verde when an underwater lab explodes and a Russian spy ship goes down. While the 24-hour news cycle looks for mundane explanations, the Salt Mine and Ivory Tower know better. Agent David Wilson—codename Fulcrum—dives the oceans and secrets of one of Monaco’s elite families to unravel this conundrum.
Will he get to the bottom of it before any more damage is done—both in the water and to the fabric of reality?
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