UN-ICK-A-FIED (plus new Valentine banner)
2 hours ago
The ZZZ Quick Guide to North America has the following to say about the territory of The Vulture Men of Waukegan.
The Vulture Men of Waukegan
Tyranny: Chief Executive Officer William Howard Spence III
GTSL: 1337
Ruling from a roost in the ruins of ancient Waukegan, The Vulture Men of Waukegan control a small territory of roughly 100 square miles just north of the massive ruins of old Chicago. The Vulture Men have a strict hierarchical society based upon the corporate organization of the company that once owned their ancestral roost, and they believe they are the rightful heirs of Lancaster & Penn Real Estate Development, Inc. The territory has little to offer the average mutie, being composed of only a few small settlements, but the ruins in the area are ripe for exploration by scavengers. Scavs should expect a tax visit from the Vulture Men however, so have gifts at the ready. According to our sources, Vulture Men love to eat pickled fish.
Although useful information for the general traveler looking at the Waukegan area, it leaves much to be desired in the way of specifics. This area gazetteer rectifies that shortcoming and should provide a Sorcery & Super Science GM with a robust and elegant territorial framework within which to weave dozens of successful and interesting adventures. The Vulture Men of Waukegan is a border territory
Assignment | Survival | Advancement |
Infantry | End 6+ | Edu 6+ |
Cavalry | End 5+ | Soc 6+ |
Guards | End 4+ | Int 5+ |
Roll | Cash | Benefits |
1 | 1,000 sp | Magic Item (weapon) |
2 | 1,500 sp | +1 End |
3 | 2,000 sp | Voyager Ship Share |
4 | 3,000 sp | Crew Passage |
5 | 4,000 sp | Magic Item (any) |
6 | 5,000 sp | Private Passage |
7 | 6,000 sp | 2d6 Voyager Ship Shares |
Roll | Personal Development | Service Skills | Advanced Education (Minimum Edu 8) | Commendation Skills |
1 | +1 Str | Animals (riding) | Heavy Weapons (any) | Language (any) |
2 | +1 Dex | Athletics (any) | Medic | Leadership |
3 | +1 End | Melee Combat (any) | Melee Combat (any) | Magic 0 |
4 | +1 Edu | Melee Combat (any) | Stealth | Mechanic |
5 | Gambling | Missile Combat (any) | Survival (any) | Persuade |
6 | Melee Combat (unarmed) | Recon | Tactics (military) | Tactics (military) |
Roll | Assignment: Infantry | Assignment: Cavalry | Assignment: Guards |
1 | Athletics (any) | Animals (riding) | Admin |
2 | Heavy Weapons (any) | Drive (chariot) | Advocate |
3 | Melee Combat (any) | Melee Combat (any) | Investigate |
4 | Missile Combat (any) | Persuade | Jack of All Trades |
5 | Stealth | Recon | Melee Combat (any) |
6 | Tactics (military) | Tactics (military) | Streetwise |
Rank | Title | Skill or Benefit |
0 | Soldier | |
1 | Corporal | Melee Combat (any) 1 or Missile Combat (any) 1 |
2 | Veteran | Recon 1 or Stealth 1 |
3 | Sergeant | Leadership 1 or Persuade 1 |
4 | Lieutenant | Tactics (military) 1 or Leadership 1 |
5 | Captain | |
6 | Colonel | |
1d6 | Mishap |
1 | Severely injured in action. (This is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury table.) |
2 | You survive a near-massacre of your unit by pretending to be dead after being injured. Roll on the Injury table treating 1’s and 2’s as 6’s. |
3 | You serve in some blasted hell-hole under a pompous ass of a commander. You survive a disastrous battle, but gain your commander as a Rival as you truthfully describe his inadequate performance to his superiors. |
4 | You decimate a troop sneaking up on your camp, only to discover they were on your side. Once the error is discovered by your superiors, you’re lucky to escape with your life. Leave your career and suffer a -1 to your mustering out throw. |
5 | You put the finger on an innocent fellow soldier or guard. He is executed and you gain Enemies of his kin. |
6 | Injured. Roll on the Injury table. |
2d6 | Events |
2 | Disaster! Roll on the mishap table, but you are not ejected from this career. |
3 | While patrolling, you prevent an ambush if you throw Recon 8+. If you fail the check, your unit triumphs if you throw a Tactics (military) 10+. If you fail both rolls, your unit is destroyed and you barely escape. You may not re-enlist at the end of this term. If you succeed, you and your unit survive, you are commended, and you gain one free roll on the Commendation Skills table. |
4 | You spend a long time in an urban environment. Gain one of Streetwise 1, Carouse 1, Gambling 1 or Language (any) 1 |
5 | You perform an exemplary service for your commander. Gain a +1 DM to any one Benefit roll. |
6 | You’re subject to a long siege and rations grow terribly low. Thrown Social Standing 8+ to avoid catching a disease and losing 1 point in a physical characteristic. If you fail the roll, gain Leadership 1; if you succeed, gain Persuade 1. |
7 | Life Event. Roll on the Life Events table. |
8 | While on patrol, you are captured and sold into slavery. You later manage to escape with help, but wander for over a year with the person who assisted your escape before returning to your unit. Gain one of Deception 1, Survival 1, or Magic 0. |
9 | You play an important part in a successful genocidal war against a non-human race, wiping them out in the local area. Gain one of Stealth 1, Tactics (military) 1, Deception 1, or Leadership 1. When encountering members of the non-human race you warred against, they may recognize you as being involved if they throw an Education 12+. If they succeed, they immediately become rivals, unless you throw a Social Standing 10+, convincing them otherwise. |
10 | You single-handedly slay a war elephant with an amazing series of quick attacks. Gain +1 Social Standing. |
11 | You save your commander’s bacon and he takes you under his wing. Either gain one level of Leadership, or take a +4 DM to your next Advancement roll. |
12 | You show great courage and valor in combat. You are automatically promoted. |
Assignment | Survival | Advancement |
Courier | End 5+ | Edu 8+ |
Survey | End 6+ | Int 7+ |
Exploration | End 7+ | Edu 6+ |
Roll | Cash | Benefits |
1 | 500 sp | Voyager Ship Share |
2 | 1,000 sp | +1 End |
3 | 1,500 sp | Jack of all Trades |
4 | 2,000 sp | Magic Item (any) |
5 | 3,000 sp | Two Voyager Ship Shares |
6 | 4,000 sp | Contact |
7 | 6,000 sp | 2d6 Voyager Ship Shares |
Roll | Personal Development | Service Skills | Advanced Education (Minimum Edu 8) |
1 | +1 Str | Navigation | Medic |
2 | +1 Dex | Survival (any) | Navigation |
3 | +1 End | Mechanic | Elemental Engineer (any) |
4 | +1 Int | Deep Sea Navigation | Language 0 (no specialty) |
5 | +1 Edu | Diplomat | Broker |
6 | Jack of all Trades | Melee Combat (any) | Jack of all Trades |
Roll | Assignment: Courier | Assignment: Survey | Assignment: Explorer |
1 | Admin | Athletics | Deep Sea Navigation |
2 | Advocate | Broker | Missile Combat (any) |
3 | Carouse | Navigation | Navigation |
4 | Deception | Investigate | Recon |
5 | Diplomat | Persuade | Seafarer |
6 | Persuade | Streetwise | Stealth |
Rank | Title | Skill or Benefit |
0 | Scout | |
1 | Traveler | Jack of all Trades 1 or Recon 1 |
2 | Outrider | |
3 | Vanguard | Pilot 1 or Deep Sea Navigation 1 |
4 | Pioneer | |
5 | Senior Scout | |
6 | | |
1d6 | Mishap |
1 | Severely injured in action. (This is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury table.) |
2 | Psychologically damaged by your time in the scouts. Reduce your Intelligence or Social Standing by 1. |
3 | Your ship is damaged, and you have to trek your way back across the Forever Sea. Gain 1d6 Contacts and 1d3 Enemies. |
4 | You inadvertently cause a conflict. Gain a Rival and Diplomat 1. |
5 | You have no idea what happened to you –your ship was found abandoned and you unconscious. |
6 | Injured. Roll on the Injury table. |
2d6 | Events |
2 | Disaster! Roll on the mishap table, but you are not ejected from this career. |
3 | Your ship is ambushed by enemy vessels. Either run, and throw Pilot 8+ to escape, or treat with them and throw Persuade 10+ to bargain with them. If you fail the check, then your ship is destroyed and you may not re-enlist as a Scout at the end of this term. If you succeed, you survive and gain Leadership 1. Either way, gain an Enemy. |
4 | You survey a virgin island. Gain one of Animals (riding or training) 1, Survival 1, Recon 1 or Natural Science (biology or earth science) 1 |
5 | You perform an exemplary service for your patron. Gain a +1 DM to any one Benefit roll. |
6 | You spend several years Jumping from island to island in your voyager ship. Gain one of Deep Sea Navigation 1, Navigation 1, Pilot 1 or Mechanic 1. |
7 | Life Event. Roll on the Life Events table. |
8 | When dealing with a non-human race, you have an opportunity to gather extra intelligence about them. Roll either Persuade 8+ or Deception 8+. If you succeed, gain an Ally in your native realm and a +2 DM to your next Advancement roll. If you fail, roll on the Mishap table, but you are not ejected from this career. |
9 | Your voyager ship is one of the first on the scene to rescue the survivors of a disaster. Roll either Medic 8+ or Mechanic 8+. If you succeed, gain a Contact and a +2 DM to your next Advancement check. If you fail, gain an Enemy. |
10 | You spend a great deal of time on the fringes of the known sea. Roll Survival 8+ or Pilot 8+. If you succeed, gain a Contact in an non-human race and one level in any skill of your choice. If you fail, roll on the Mishap table. |
11 | You serve as the courier for an important message for a king or emperor. Either gain one level of Diplomat, or take a +4 DM to your next Advancement roll. |
12 | You discover a virgin island, a magic item or information of great worth to your Patron. You are automatically promoted. |
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