So I've been working on A Magical Society: India today for about 50 minutes.
I've written 115 words.
Difficult, difficult writing...
[New Magic Item] Bear Brooch
1 hour ago
This book aids the creation of a generic medieval Indian world for role-playing using various versions of the world’s most popular role-playing game. This is not a campaign setting, nor is it a history book. This book allows you to add a medieval Indian feel to your world without forcing you to play in a truly medieval Indian world. This volume provides a wealth of resources concerning medieval India: the spatial systems, the social groups and distinctions, the trade and economics, the law and justice, and the typical Indian medieval mindset. Modeled after the state of the Indian sub-continent circa 1200-1400CE, this book simulates, but does not replicate, actual medieval India.
This book also provides introductory information on costumes, customs, mythology, games, tournaments, linguistics, and other aspects of medieval India. This supplement provides GMs information and tools for increasing the depth of their existing world. However, it should be noted that the real historical India is vastly more complicated than presented in this book. It is a huge landmass filled with dozens of different cultures and languages, waxing and waning as history progresses. This book only scratches the surface and some basic core assumptions in gaming integrate poorly with actual medieval Indian society. Ultimately, GMs must make decisions on how their magical medieval society works.
To End The Rising is an OSRIC(tm) module designed for 6-10 adventures of levels 1-3.
The shores of Lake Selmar, and the village of Prallis, are normally tranquil – except during the Rising. Every five years, a host of fearsome monsters emerges from the lake to lay waste to the village. The locals have endured this terror for decades, but now innocent travelers have been attacked. Can the party put an end to the Rising, forever?
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