Thursday, May 24, 2018

Two Tome of Tomes

Blackcloak, Terror of Westhame Forest
Author: Dirk Ringdon
Race: Human
Dimensions: 8x8x0.5
Weight: 2 lbs.
Materials: Leather-bound, woodboard, parchment
Rarity: Uncommon
Fields of Study: Humankind
Special Knowledge Categories: History
Value: 35 gp

A figure of infamy, Blackcloak is accurately portrayed in this work as a most cruel highwayman. Written by Dirk Ringdon who escaped a 3-year captivity under Blackcloak, no details are spared regarding the robber’s depredations in the deep Westhame Forest. Ringdon’s escape and subsequent guiding of Fargoth’s 3rd Regiment eventually located Blackcloak and brought him to justice: a hanging attended by over three thousand souls. For his deeds, Ringdon was named the 1st Baron of Egremith.

Six Saints
Author: Devora
Race: Human
Dimensions: 8x8x0.5
Weight: 2lbs.
Materials: Leather-bound, woodboard, vellum
Rarity: Uncommon
Fields of Study: Humankind
Special Knowledge Categories: History, theology & myth
Value: 35 gp

This concise hagiography tells of the life and times of six Harmonish saints: Beatrice, Xyphisus, Oma, Gerold, Hamant, and Darserva. More interesting than the stories themselves is the author Devora. After her death (as is Harmonish custom) she was sainted for her many miracles. Two decades later, however, she was unexpectedly resurrected. She’s still alive 65 years after her revival and this makes her the only living Harmonish saint. Her existence has caused a schism within the Harmonish church, with roughly 25% of all followers declaring themselves part of the traditionalist sect that does not recognize her sainthood.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Two More Tome of Tomes

Dread Kirowath
Author: Briod Griwent
Race: Human
Dimensions: 8x10x0.5
Weight: 1 lbs.
Materials: Leather-bound, woodboard, parchment
Rarity: Uncommon
Fields of Study: Humankind
Special Knowledge Categories: History
Value: 20 gp

The brief 12-year reign of the demi-god Kirowath is etched into the memory of the Muyan peoples, but few know the complete story of his meteoric rise and fall. Exhaustively (and magically) researched, Dread Kirowath tells of how a simple peasant boy rose to power over one of the greatest nations on the planet. It tells of how he became a demi-god, and how that process resulted in his inevitable defeat at Tuoba. Unlike other histories of Kirowath, this one pinpoints his sword, an intelligent and malevolent turquoise blade of great power, as the primary mover in Kirowath’s story.

Biography of Guthard
Author: Zwyhard
Race: Human
Dimensions: 6x5x1
Weight: 1 lbs.
Materials: Leather-bound, woodboard, parchment
Rarity: Common
Fields of Study: Humankind
Special Knowledge Categories: History
Value: 15 gp

This biography of the High King Guthard frames him in a very positive light. Penned by his close friend and monastic Zwyhard, Biography of Guthard follows the High King from Birth to his 78th year, the year in which Zwyhard died. Important events such as the Battle of Yellowhurst, the Scouring of Westfallan, and the founding of High King’s College are detailed in flowery ornate language. History has since looked less-favorably upon Guthard, but this work benefits from the direct relationship of author and subject.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Tome of Tomes

Two more Tome of Tomes, thanks to my Patreons!

The Science of Circles
Author: Dizariot Herculf
Race: Human
Dimensions: 24x24x6
Weight: 36 lbs.
Materials: Leather-bound, brassboard, vellum
Rarity: Unique
Fields of Study: Supernatural & unusual
Special Knowledge Categories: Dweomercraeft, planes (astral, elemental & ethereal), planes (outer)
Value: 1000 gp

This large book appears to be an extremely deep analysis of the many magical circles used for protection and summoning. It is, unfortunately, an extremely elaborate hoax. And worse than that, it’s a magical trap created by the author. None of the information regarding the creation of the circles is accurate (although much regarding the creatures of the various planes is superficially so) and if a practitioner attempts to use any of the circles, he opens himself up to extreme danger. The caster must save vs. magic or the damned soul of Dizariot Herculf takes possession of his body. The practitioner is allowed a save vs. magic every week to break the possession. Upon the 4th failed save, the caster’s soul takes the place of the Herculf’s permanently.

The Great Khan
Author: Gorie Hephast
Race: Human
Dimensions: 6x5x1
Weight: 1 lbs.
Materials: Leather-bound, woodboard, vellum
Rarity: Uncommon
Fields of Study: Humankind
Special Knowledge Categories: History
Value: 50 gp

This book tells the story of the 3rd Great Khan, Sorghaktangi. Although only a capable fighter, the 3rd Khan was a masterful strategist, tactician, and politician, ruling the unruliest of tribes for more than 50 years. She was born into a noble family, 4th cousin from the 2nd Great Khan Onchi, and quickly proved her tactical worth during the long Eosian campaign. When Onchi fell during the Xiong Retaliation, Sorghaktangi ably stepped into leadership, and after her successes easily secured her title of Khan.

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