Saturday, November 30, 2019

Bundle of Holding still On!

Just want to remind everyone that we're in another Bundle of Holding! This one's a re-release of the 2015 Worldbuilder's Toolkit 3, and it has three of our Magical Society products in it (Ecology & Culture, Silk Road, and On Place Names) as well as several other world-building-related products. It's worth checking out and 10% of the profits go towards charity, so that's an extra bonus.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Arden Vul Art!

Another great piece from Del. This one's atop the pyramid in the ruined city....

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Arden Vul Art!

Another piece of art from Arden Vul! This one by Del Teigler.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

We're in another Bundle of Holding!

I'm pleased to say that we're in another Bundle of Holding! This one's a re-release of the 2015 Worldbuilder's Toolkit 3, and it has three of our Magical Society products in it (Ecology & Culture, Silk Road, and On Place Names) as well as several other world-building-related products. It's worth checking out and 10% of the profits go towards charity, so that's an extra bonus.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Arden Vul art!

We've started getting in art for Arden Vul! Here's an image of the cliff face under the ruined city into which much of the dungeon is delved. Art by Lucas Claren.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Rest Assured (Salt Mine #7) Cover

Just got the new cover and loving it! This one sees our agents hunt down a person who's stolen a mummified cat.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ground Rules is now available! (The Salt Mine #3)

Heya folks! Suzi and I have just released the latest in the Salt Mine series, Ground Rules, at Amazon. This installment revolves around a ghostly attack recorded on film by a ghost hunting TV show. Wilson (code name Fulcrum) is sent on the mission to scrub the files and then find out why the ghosts in the UK have decided to break a long-standing peace treaty.

We'll be releasing new Salt Mine books (e-book and physical books) every month for the next four months. This series, as well as our Shattered Moon series are in Kindle Unlimited, so if you subscribe there, you can read them at no additional expense.

Oh, and if you like what we write, please give us a short review so other people can find our books easier.

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