Thanks to everyone who supported the Advanced Adventures Bundle of Holding! We raised a few dollars shy of $1,000 for Reading is Fundamental, so much good was done. Below are two tomes for your fantasy libraries...
The Frost Giants of Flarjarik
Author: Logner Snuppe
Race: Fire Giant
Dimensions: 16x20x3
Weight: 36 lbs.
Materials: Cave bear leather-bound, stoneboard, vellum, iron clasps
Rarity: Rare
Fields of Study: Humanoids & giantkind
Special Knowledge Categories: History, languages, law & customs, legends & folklore
Value: 175 gp
The second of a series of three by the fire giant ambassador Logner Snuppe, The Frost Giants of Flarjarik is a denser, more-scholarly work reflecting an improvement in abilities of the author. Like the former book, this one details a basic history along with language, customs, laws, and legends of the Flarjarik frost giants. Snuppe’s authorial voice is stronger in this work, the details finer, and there is less rambling concerning day-to-day affairs.
The Fire Giants of Rajayarikavaola
Author: Logner Snuppe
Race: Fire Giant
Dimensions: 16x20x3
Weight: 36 lbs.
Materials: Cave bear leather-bound, stoneboard, vellum, iron clasps
Rarity: Rare
Fields of Study: Humanoids & giantkind
Special Knowledge Categories: History, languages, law & customs, legends & folklore
Value: 200 gp
The final in a series of three, The Fire Giants of Rajayarikavaola details Snuppe’s home clan. After more than 15 years as a travelling ambassador, Snuppe returns to his home and turns his eye towards his own people. Of most interest, the final few chapters were written after Snuppe’s encounter with divine Tulatiathior, who unhardened his heart. The Fire Giants of Rajayarikavaola are treated most-harshly in these final chapters, written while Snuppe was in exile, a retainer for Baron Lorformere, the human marcher lord.