Thursday, February 25, 2010

Running a game at NTRPG Con

I'll be running a game at NTRPG Con on Saturday morning. I'm working on a new Advanced Adventure for it (should see publication as #19) called Down the Shadowvein. It's a continuation of Matt Finch's excellent Pod-Cavern of the Sinister Shroom, but it will a fully stand-alone adventure for 3-5th level. Below is the descriptive text.

You carefully load your canoes and launch into the fast-moving waters of the underground river named Shadowvein. The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom behind you, the veracity of the map that is to be your guide into the dark unknown will soon be tested. Hopefully what is written is accurate, but if it is not, your wits, wile and brawn should serve you well as you journey down the Shadowvein!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sorcery & Super Science! v4 finished

I just finished v4 of SS&S. I realized I didn't want a point-buy system of character creation as that requires an extended time buy-in for new players. Random is roll-and-go, right into the action. That's better suited to the tone I'm aiming for. I'll probably release the point-buy system as a variant PDF, but I'm a lot more pleased with the random.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Playtested Advanced Adventures #15: Stonesky Delve this weekend

and it went pretty good, with the toughest expected combat in the adventure resulting in there being about 1 round between a TPK and victory. There's only a few things I need to change and modify. Which of course, makes me very happy.

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