Another area from the back cover of the S&SS core rules detailed.
67. The Lucky Duchy
Oligarchy: His Magnificent Gamblence, Royal Flush
GTSL: 6547
The Lucky Duchy. What’s left to be said in a brief comment about the state that isn’t common knowledge by now? The state is the only oasis along the main trade route in The Great Desert worthy of the title. It is truly the oasis of oases. It is both a hive of scum and villainy and the only real safe place between the Colorado Kingdoms and the Crusader Sates of California. It is lit in bright and gaudy lights and has the military to defend such obnoxious display against aggressors from the Deathlands surrounding it.
As the saying goes, anything under the Shattered Moon can be found here. The Lucky Duchy is the largest trading center in North America and all the major trading companies have permanent houses here, viciously competing for goods in their quest to accumulate precious metals. Rumors abound that every secret society can be found here as well.
Entering The Lucky Duchy is easy, just spin the wheel, pay the price, and leave your weapons at the gate. If you don’t like being unarmed, don’t worry, there’s a legal market for weapon rentals just within the gate as long as you promise to not use them.
WinterCon 2025
12 hours ago
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