This is the news that I couldn't say earlier. There will a booth at Gen Con featuring Old-School products from at least 7 OSR companies; Black Blade Publishing, Brave Halfling Publishing, Expeditious Retreat Press, Frog God Games, Goblinoid Games, Pacesetter Games & Simulations, and all the way from Finland, Lamentations of the Flame Princess. Suzi and I will be running the booth at the convention. The Old-School Renaissance Group has arrived and the OSR will be in force at Gen Con this year! I'm tremendously excited by this next step in the OSR.
Hopefully the booth will act as the hub for the OSR community at Gen Con. I'd like to have a "master list" of all the Old-School gaming going on at the convention at the booth to help direct people towards those games.
I also want to let the entire OSR community know that the booth is open to everyone's products as long as we have space. That means if you've published an OSR product you can have your product for sale at Gen Con 2011 with all of the other awesome OSR products already committed to the booth. Much of the strength of the OSR comes from individuals and we want to have the community there in as great a capacity as possible.
So if you're interested in having products at the booth, contact me at for the details.
[New Magic Item] Censer of Patrons
4 hours ago
SWEET!!!! I had been planning on coming back to the States for a training class in April. Looks like I'll try to delay it until this summer so I can hit GENCON. That would be a lot of fun!
If you can that would be cool! I'm all sorts of excited about the booth and it'd be very nice to be able to shake your hand in thanks for all the great art you've done for the OSR.
That is Outstanding, sir.
Yes it is. :) Yes it is.
Congrats! Oddysey and I were both thinking that the OSR really needed somethign like this last year. We stumbled upon some OSR goodness, but it was mostly by accident and lots of looking for it. Thanks for organizing this and best of luck to all involved! :D
Thanks for the well wishes, trollsmyth. Are you going to be able to make it this year?
I've been trying to make it to Gen Con for years, maybe I'll have to make a special effort this year now.
If I make it to Gen Con this year I'll definitely be stopping by.
Tim, Geek, I hope you guys can make it!
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