So, I'm working on Down the Shadowvein right now and I've got a room with 20 critters in it - 8 of one type and 12 of another. They're from Malevolent & Benign, so I grab my copy from my desk drawer to see their stats.
As I do this, I realize that I'm smiling a little bit. I'm looking forward to rolling up the creatures' hit points. I'm having fun just looking forward to rolling some dice and letting them fall as they may. The critter may have 1 hp, it may have 8 - the outcome doesn't matter - that's what the critter has - that's what is. I love this type of discovery. I think that love of "what is, is" is at the heart of old-school play.
ASC Review: The Copper Circle
1 hour ago
Hell yes! I admit that I went through a long phase of not liking such things, but when I finally came back to old-school games this is precisely what drew me. I love the idea of "meeting your character" rather than "building your character" and the same thing applies to monsters and random dungeons and such.
I like the way it creates the idea of "the other world" that exists regardless what the player (or DM) wants.
I have been finding much enjoyment lately from allowing the dice to fall where they may. From my Traveller Subsector to my Megadungon I'm loving the random dice results.
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