The next recipe. I'm trying to make them have a sort of "magical" reason be that historical, sympathetic or simply obscure. Each recipe should be unique, but also have similar threads of production methods woven throughout.
Protection from Devils
For the ink required to scribe a protection from devils scroll
1 oz. giant octopus ink
2 drams holy water
1 oz. pure alcohol
1 nutmeg with mace
1 large piece of jade, powdered
9 oz. silver
9 oz. nitric acid
1 lb. salt
1 oz. of mane’s blood
In a silver container, place the whole nutmeg (with mace separated) in the holy water, octopus ink, and alcohol and let rest until the nutmeg dissolves, usually a month’s time, making an ink tincture. In a glass container, dissolve the silver with the acid and then pour out half, than half, than half again onto the salt. Retain 1 oz of the salt and consume the rest in a cherry wood fire. Combine the powdered jade and salt and mix them into the ink tincture. Spit upon the mace, grind until a powder and add to the acid and silver solution. Finally combine the acid and the tincture and then introduce the mane’s blood. Makes enough ink for 2 scrolls. An erinyes feather quill is required.
"Dear JB" Mailbag #4
2 hours ago
Seems like a good concept.
I'm having fun with it. Looking the "magical" properties of various things is made vastly easier with the internet. The last time I tried anything like this was back when the library was the only source of information and well, this kind of stuff doesn't have a big demand. :)
Interesting but it sounds very expensive.
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