So I've been making character and information sheets for Advanced Adventures #20: Obsidian Sands of Syncrates (the tourney adventure at Gen Con 2011) using the character sheets created by The Mad Irishman. I think its vitally important for a 4 hour tourney game to have fully-fleshed-out pre-generated characters in an easy-to-use format. The players are coming to a brand-new character and need to quickly understand their abilities, possessions, and spells. They are paying to play the game - its best to make sure the fiddly bits are all in order before they arrive.
This is quite important to the game at the table, but man does it eat up the time. Even though I'm just transcribing the char from a list to the pages, its quite the daunting task. At least I've got The Clash on the music box. :)
[New Magic Item] Poetic Lock
2 hours ago
1 comment:
I can sympathise; keeping copies of characters for campaign play can be similarly time consuming.
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