Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Thought On the OSR

For some reason, I've just read a few posts talking about the death of the OSR. It reminds me of all the "Punk is Dead" messages I saw growing up in the early 80's and made me think of this...

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.


  1. I'm thinking that reports of the death of the OSR are widely exagerated ;).

  2. That would be my thought as well. :)

  3. Yeah, I don't really get the handwringing. Publish clones that allow for commercial products in support of older editions of D&D? Done. Hundred of new modules, settings, and supplements are available, most of them very high quality in terms of production values. OSR wins.

    But did it also usher in a return to 1983? Is that fact that the OSR's still a niche with a niche become a source of disappointment? I hope not, 'cause that would be utterly irrational, and gamers are better than . . .

    . . . oh.

  4. Typical of this sort of thing; when the self appointed mouthpieces run out of things to say they proclaim the death of the movement.

  5. The OSR has always been 'dead'. Long live the OSR.
